Friday 19 January 2018

OUGD601 - Practical - Tone of voice / Piss-taking

Danish brewer puts the 'P' in pilsner

Image result for pisnerCOPENHAGEN (Reuters) - A Danish brewery is drawing on 50,000 liters of urine collected from the largest music festival in Northern Europe in producing a novelty beer aimed at the more adventurous drinker.

Norrebro Bryghus says the final product won't contain any human waste.

PISner will be produced from fields of malting barley fertilised with human urine rather than traditional animal manure or factory-made plant nutrients.

The waste was collected from Roskilde, northern Europe's largest music festival, two years ago.

"When the news that we had started brewing the Pisner came out, a lot of people thought we were filtering the urine to put it directly in the beer and we had a good laugh about that," said Henrik Vang, chief executive of Norrebro Bryghus.

Using human waste as a fertiliser on such a scale is a novelty, said Denmark's Agriculture and Food Council.

It came up with the idea for what could be the ultimate sustainable hipster beer.

It's already called the concept "beercycling". 

"If it had tasted even a bit like urine, I would put it down, but you don't even notice," said Anders Sjögren, who attended Roskilde Music Festival in 2015.

The 50,000 litres collected from that festival resulted in enough malting barley to brew around 60,000 bottles of the beer.

A completely different approach to brewing - constantly pushing the boundries
- has allowed for a very strong and quite bizarre concept to the brands identity, but that is definitely what makes it stand out on a shelf.

How can I employ tone of voice for my designs with the strongest concept which will reside well with consumers? 
- Less serious
- Emotionally engages them 
- Resides with them to tell someone about it (try to feel like/ be a 'connoisseur')

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