Friday 19 January 2018

OUGD601 - Practical - Beavertown - Nick Dwyer

Illustrator Nick Dwyer is the creative director and designer at Beavertown Brewery.

His comic-book designs are gritty and sometimes graphic, but he says inspiration for the design of each beer comes from the flavour and style of the beer itself. Oh, and his imagination.

Each artwork is created after the name of the beer is decided, and then Nick James, the guy behind the recipes, decide on the wording and tone of voice approach which best fits the beers identity.

I'm very influenced by Dwyer's illustration style - very charismatic and recognisable and distinctive to Beavertown
The illustration is always the main device which intrigues the consumer, wording and small print help provide the context to the beer, but it isn't a priority on the bottle.

Interesting to listen to his podcast on how he started..

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