Monday 15 January 2018

OUGD601 - Practical - Initial Thoughts

As my essay direction was fully under-way, I felt it was definitely time I could start gathering my thoughts towards the practical piece of work too.  

  • Role of branding and identity within the rise of craft
  • How design adds value
  • How tone of voice and authenticity impact the consumer decisions
Results from the beer experiment suggest how the design is a pivotal factor in consumption but taste is priority - design should reflect this.

Possible ideas to explore -
  1. Re-design a commercial brand in the style of craft
    • Similar to Carlsberg rebrand - spin off on what they've already done?
    • Any local beer brands?
  1. Take a good brand and make it shit, take a shit brand and make it good?
  1. Focus on the increasing markets which craft are beginning to see?
    • Women
    • Hispanics?
    • Young people / millennials - (social media/tech-savvy)
Breweries to get in touch with?
  • Northern Monk Brewery 
    • Patrons Club - “community, collaboration, creation”
    • Northern Monk Patrons is an initiative set up to foster collaboration, creativity and community between artists, athletes and creatives across the north.
    • They sponsor local artists, etc - to commission label design, etc.

Patrons Project 4.02 // NORTHERN TROPICS // Pineapple And Grapefruit Juice IPA

w/ Drew Milliard (Illustrator)

Patrons Project 1.04 // LEEDS LURKING // Morello Cherry and Peruvian Coffee Imperial Porter

w/ Tom Joy (Photographer)

Patrons Project 9.01 // CAPTAIN NORTH // IPA (Ben Mather)

  • North Brewing Co

  • Kirkstall Brewery (SHITE WEBSITE)

  • Ilkley Brewery

  • Carlsberg Leeds
  • Relic Brewery
  • Whippet Brewing Co
  • The Brewery Tap (micro-brewery)
  • Brewdog (brew club)
  • Tall Boys beer club

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