Friday 5 January 2018

OUGD601 - Primary Research - Beer Test

Beer Experiment -

When a consumer is standing in a shop, sieving through this array of infinite craft beer brands, the branding definitely does affect that consumer’s perception and consumption. 

To further test how the brand identity of a label will often come before the actual taste and functional properties of the beer, I conducted a ‘blind’ vs ‘named’ test with 3 different types of beer - 2 craft brands similar in design (attractive and sophisticated), yet ones taste is generally known to be well-liked and one is known to be peculiar and unliked, versus a more standard can of export lager.
I used a mixed sample of 20 consumers - some of which appreciate and practise design, some do not at all; some appreciate craft and some do not.

- Craft on offer in commercial supermarkets 
- belong to the bigger commercialised 'craft' brands 
- i.e. Brewdog, Langiutas, Hob Goblin, Goose, etc
 - Versus the craft on offer in more specialised beer shops 

- the more unheard of, independent brands



2 craft brands similar in design - attractive and sophisticated
  • One tastes lovely (Brew by Numbers 01 Saison Citra)

Clean and functional design layout, charismatic, tells the story of the beer and provides context 

  • One tastes horrible (Urban FarmHouse, Redchurch - Tartelette) 
  • PLUS one standard can of export lager (Carlsberg Export)

(Beer colours all similar- quite blonde, tastes and smells are all very different)
  1. Present the 3 bottles, ‘Which would you choose in the shop, not knowing the taste?’
  2. Try the already poured three beers blindly
  3. Rate for favourite 
  4. Try match them up with the right bottles based on aesthetic/details
  5. Reveal
If they were in the shop, which would they have chosen not knowing the taste?

- 8 picked BBno - (40%) - Clean and functional design, charismatic layout, tells the story of the beer well

- 8 picked Redchurch - (40%) - Minimal design, typography makes it different and stand out.

- 4 picked Carlsberg - (20%) - as doesn’t trust/know enough about craft - said they would want to try them but would play safe with lager. Aesthetically preferred BBno however.

Carlsberg. - 4 (25%)
Redchurch.  - 0.    Least Favourite (0%)
BBno. - 16 Most Favourite (75%)
Carlsberg was always matched correctly - lager is more of a recognised taste 
The majority of the samples matched BBno & RC the wrong way round 

  • Reflects how in terms of functionality and taste the brands can be polar opposites, yet their brand identity and visual story on the bottle can still affect a consumers persuasive perception - causing them to buy into the aesthetic blindly. 
  • Proving how branding does play a huge role in deciding between brands. 

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