Sunday 23 April 2017

Practical - Poster Ads

In order to introduce the rebrand and the core changes I wanted to make clear to Renault's target audience, I went about producing the posters for billboards, etc.

Making use of the high-quality stock images off Renault's website I devised the layout ideas putting simplicity at the forefront, allowing the words to be naturally drawn to to communicate my focus.
After a discussion with some classmates, they made me consider how these posters would need to fit the long horizontal billboards on roadsides, etc. 
- The placement of the words was highly praised however I did want to emphasise negative space better to reflect the modern simplistic style, similar to that of Tesla
- The negative space and extension of the canvas horizontally would allow me to fully emphasise the new logo at a much larger scale too 
- much more assertive to passers by and more obvious on a blank background as oppose to a coloured one

This feels much easier to navigate with your eye, and the images help to navigate you towards the logo (through the direction the car is facing)
Allows for alternative layouts but still consistent

- the typesetting around the corners of the image was very effective for including subtle yet intriguing extra detailing.. so will transfer that onto the other designs.. 

- could look at fitting more type beneath the image too?? - provide more context to the focus of the rebrand and Renault's mission statement that I want everyone aware of.

- The French translation provides the celebration of heritage? I was unsure of this, so got classmates to take a vote. The overall consensus was to not include the translation, as it is extra unnecessary repeated information (as most French speak English) and as it is more for ‘all’, a global market, it allows it to be universally recognised.

I experimented with the type at the bottom too, was very unsure of how it was type-set with regards to the image and negative space beneath the logo.

Therefore I decided it would be most effective to stretch it out across the whole bottom of the ad. At a large scale this would feel like less text to read.
I was worried it would breach too many words on one line, reducing effectiveness to the reader, however at this large scale on billboards through the use of obliques and demi-bolds it does highlight the important parts and breaks it up better for the reader.

Final Responses - 

City-scape Mockups -

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