Sunday 23 April 2017

Practical - Logo Development

With the French themed design coming out on top from my feedback, it is time to consider how I would use the type to communicate the desired futuristic feel - reflecting sustainability and the new and obvious forward-thinking mindset.

To further reflect the French heritage I looked into some classic French typefaces-
- Garamond - being a classic French typeface by Claude Garamond, old style serif
Then more current sans-serif options such as 

Parisine - a typeface created by Jean-François Porchez (he did the old Renault typeface!) Distributed by Typofonderie. It is used in Paris Métro, tramways and buses 

 I started looking at some French type-foundries I am familiar with for more options 
- like Velvetyne

- also 'Use and Modify' (not French) but an interesting project to potentially feature and get involved in

I found this typeface - Xolonium...

The designer is from French Heritage! and its futuristic feel and legible form works perfectly for a car company!

Type trials -

I trialled the serif typefaces but my feedback agreed that it definitely wasn't appropriate for my desired focus.

Settled on Xolonium for the main logotype..

I wanted Xolonium to be the main logotype, but I wanted it to be exclusive to just that
- I trialled it for use for headings however it is too futuristic for that and body texts
- the futuristic/space/sci fi theme felt too extreme

- Eurostile is another futuristic styled sans-serif type family which felt modern yet legible.. its extensive widths and weights provided flexibility for the rest of the stationary surrounding the rebrand.
<- Finalisation of the logo

- slightly widened the diamond as it felt too tall when in-situ
- I also thought about how it would be featured on a metallic car badge, so I added slight grey radial gradients to the white space - this does not take away from the flat design style, but fits the car company style well.

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