Friday 19 January 2018

OUGD601 - Practical - Black Label

Black Label has the slang/street name of Zamalek in South Africa, because of an association with the Egyptian football club of the name which shares the colours black, white and red.

Urban Dictionary suggests how..

In the 90s Egyptian team 'Zamalek' played against South African team 'Kaiser Chiefs' and got out-classed.
Local fans began claiming how Zamalek F.C are as strong as a pint of Carling Black Label!

And that is where the local nickname came from.

I can definitely use this to strengthen my concept alongside the Black Label idea.

The clubs colours are black, white and red which I can reference.

The last illustration I did featured a sandy, desert background and palm trees - I am going to play on this Egyptian concept to develop the illustrations. 

Remember - am celebrating 200 years of Carling 
                 - going to approach it as a spin off of Black Label 
                 - 'The Black Label IPA' or 'The Zamalek IPA' or 'The Zamalek v.2'

I played with the style - as preferred the solid black lines over vectorised shapes - & introduced an eye (kind of Egyptian) 
- Can introduce colour scheme via background textures as shown beneath..

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