Sunday 23 April 2017

Practical - Brand Guidelines Manual

I collated all of my visuals into a Logo and Brand Identity Guidelines Manual 

For my final outcome, I collated all of the new visual identity into a brand identity guidelines manual, which specified the justifications behind the rebrand, aswell as showing the detailing all in one-place ready for distribution. 
I also included the final mockups for the application onto the print ads, aswell as the business cards and letterheads shown on the previous page. 

This solution is more specifically successfully providing context for dealerships, external designers, etc or who will be needing the specific detailing of the rebrand to ensure further works are consistent.
In terms of the project successfully reaching the target audience, it would do this through  their interaction with the manual at dealerships, but predominantly through the advertisements they will be exposed to via billboards (such as my mockup print ads), and also digital ads and social media ads that the collateral would be applied to if the rebrand were to be published. Aswell as  through the business cards/letterheads they may recieve through interaction with the brand/dealerships.

In terms of relation to the critical writing/research it links to a number of points in my essay but also research paths I looked at. One major talking point in my essay was how current rebrands can be seen as pastiche, through the reflection and inspiration gathered from past designs mimicing the flat design style of the 60s/70s. My final identity here does successfully take inspiration from this and then re-applies it into this new and modern concept idea. Driving the company forward visually and conceptually, taking inspiration from other companies on the market too and their successful devices and tone of voice used. 

As researched and experimented with through the project, I successfully was able to justify the focus of the identity to not only to Renault’s heritage, but to their sustainable mission statement too.

In my essay I discussed examples such as the NatWest and Co-op rebrands, and I feel I have successfully responded to these initial ideas I looked at.

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