Friday 5 January 2018

OUGD601 - Essay Structure

  • Research intro
  • Review of each section
  • Incl. key theories and theorists
1 - Branding
  • What is branding
  • Origins v.s. how it has changed
  • Consumers expect more now 
  • Address emotional not just functional needs
2 - Identity & Possessions
  • Express yourself through possessions
  • Multi-dimensional
  • Unconscious/ subconscious 
  • Compare & Categorise to help understand self
  • Material goods have meaning
3 - Brand Identification
  • How does popularity and type of person affect consumption
  • Mac vs PC = ideas of loyalty and exclusivity
  • Exclusivity = reflects our narcissistic generation
  • Drinking is a form of social status
4 - Brand psychology
  • Consistency of quality is not enough 
  • Re-iterate how a brand needs to appeal emotionally
  • Ideas of authenticity within the artisanal boom
  • Cereal example
  • Introduces ideas of tone of voice, breaking down barriers with the consumer
  • Brand personality
5 - Support w/ Primary Research
  • Blind testing and matching the taste and aesthetics of craft vs commercial
  • How is commercial now spilling into the craft approach 
  • Carlsberg rebrand - very graphical, claims to be ‘premium option’
  • Question the public?
  • Question beer connoisseurs?
  • Apply to article which talks to heavyweights in industry
  • Is the design as important as the beer? / Played a bigger role in the actual rise of the industry?
  • Reflect
  • Review of research
  • The role of design in the rise of craft beer?
- keep reflecting points back to that of craft
- build back towards the final question to ensure a concise conclusion - what role does the branding of the beer play in the rise of the beer?)

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