Wednesday 15 February 2017

Study Task 07 (SB2) - Idea Generation / Prototypes

Idea Generation:

- Nostalgia in branding - Natwest/Coop - Inspired by their archives - vectorised, minimal
- Stranger Things Title Sequence - Greenberg inspired - the slow type fade
- Popular culture pastiche - create something new inspired by iconic design
- Supreme as a consumer culture 
- Football clubs taking their identities 'beyond football' - more of a brand logo direction

Initial thumbnail ideas - 
- A publication on pastiche within the 21st century

- A publication which documents big 
corporate rebrands

- A publication looking at unsuccessful 

- A publication looking most successful 

- A guidebook to a successful rebrand

- Poster series guide to rebrands

- A publication looking at 60s/70s flat design as oppose to now

- A website/app platform which generates rebrands

- Rebrand a closed down shop of the past, i.e. Woolworths, Blockbusters??

- Rebrand visual identity for forgotten about car company - Reliant Robin, the old Mini Coopers, focus on unreliability of French cars stereotype? Peugeout, Renault 

- Rebrand my football team - Aston Villa

- Rebrand a nation, i.e. North Korea Rebrand; focus on a misinterpreted culture

- Rebrand a club/record label, visual identity and online store/app

- A video/animation/film addressing how design styles are going back to flat designs, similar to that of the 60s/70s

- Recreate a title sequence for a popular TV show, focusing on nostalgia - for a limited edition exclusive episode  

- Rebrand a city, the whole visual identity for the specific centre/shopping centre

- Create a new nostalgia inspired clothes brand

- A nostalgia inspired fragrance company

- Legalisation campaign of Marijuana inspired by 60s psychedelia 

-Rave inspired rebrand - clothes company, record label/shop

Prototype solutions:

1. Rebranding Renault Cars focusing on Heritage
- Celebrating their French origin, converting this into a retro-modern style
- focusing on how I can regain their consumer reputation, disproving the stereotype of French cars being unreliable
- looking back to the archives to find how I can be inspired by stronger times, stripping back to bold styles to regain the customers trust
- look into iconic and trustworthy fresh iconography - that the specific target audience can relate to 
- I would produce the fresh logomark/logotype, and then apply this to appropriate stationary surrounding the brand - for example, printed advertisements, business cards, car manuals, clothing, storage bags, letterheads
- Collate all of this into a brand identity guidelines manual which would be distributed to all major dealerships, showrooms, clients, etc

2. Rebranding Renault Cars focusing on Sustainability
- Get inspired by Tesla's approach and transfer this into a more affordable brand filling the gap in the market
- Sitting green, energy-saving mindsets at the forefront of the rebrand, rebuilding an even stronger and more obvious mission statement that consumers can buy into
- Looking back at how the archives can be recycled to create this new concept whilst still appealing the past and future
- apply this modern-retro pastiche style to the forward-thinking products
- Focus on a specific aspect of the brand - being the electric models, e.g. the new electric Zoe, and focus on the whole campaign surrounding it
- I would produce the fresh logomark/logotype, and then apply this to appropriate stationary surrounding the brand - for example, printed advertisements, business cards, car manuals, clothing, storage bags, letterheads
- Or more specifically do this just for the single campaign fort the new Zoe Car.
- Collate all of this into a brand identity guidelines manual which would be distributed to all major dealerships, showrooms, clients, etc

3. Rebrand a nation/country
- for example a design studio rebranded North Korea - do something similar
- I would focus on a misinterpreted nation or culture
- Research their history, cultures, sports, arts and reflect this all through a new visual identity and flag which visually feels inspired by this 60s/70s flat design
- I would apply all of this to appropriate merchandise - such as passports, legal documents, souvenirs, website database

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