Tuesday 7 February 2017

Study Task 03 (SB2) - Defining the Brief

Produce 1 x A3 design sheet that defines and outlines your research question and the design brief.

"Is contemporary branding and design merely a pastiche or can it be parodic?"

This is the question that will guide my theoretical and practical work in CoP2. My question must reference one of the CoP themes (Politics, Society, Culture, History, Technology or Aesthetics) either broadly or focusing on a specific aspect (e.g. "gender" being a specific aspect of Society);
and one specific graphic discipline (Typography / type design, Advertising / public awareness, Branding / logo design, Editorial, Design for screen or Print making).

1. Research question:
For the essay, my research question allows me to discuss, compare and contrast the theories behind parody and pastiche in relation to postmodernism. Going into particular detail with the two major theorists known to disagree when it comes to this - Frederic Jameson and Linda Hutcheon. So my essay will come under the theme of 'culture' with its discipline allowing more broad discussion of examples in industry - including popular culture and design in general (so TV programs and films) but then also how branding has developed (Co-op / Nat-west rebrands (going back to past design, simplistic, vectorised), Supreme's consumer background and approach, revamp of football team crests (going beyond football)).
For the practical body of work that follows, I do aim to focus more specifically on the branding aspect of the question with regards to the ongoing concept in my essay of how our postmodern culture is so driven by the over-saturation of image. My research has inspired me to consider how I can take quite a standard, possibly under-achieving company/brand, and then consider their historical design context, strip back their whole aesthetic and focus so it is more specific and driven, and re-propose them with a fresh and 'current' scope.

1a. Is it viable?:

In terms of ontology (what there is to study), I can immediately start considering various brands whom have quite a history that I could possibly be inspired by. I want this brand to be a popular one, however not necessarily being the most successful against its competitors, as this allows me to re-approach them with already strong justifications. For example, a brand such as Renault, a french car company which is a top-selling car however doesn't have the strongest of reputations. I can research these statistics through global car sales reports, and can then gather further primary research through questionnaires with the target audience, etc. Upon actually approaching the design process for the rebrand I do want to reflect this concept of pastiche/parody in the industry, by reflecting on popular 'trends' and styles.

2. Defining the design problem: 
Whilst my research question should provide opportunities for both contextual/theoretical research and practical research, I need to ensure that there is an obvious design problem to resolve/explore. As my focus is on culture and branding, the design problem could be a forgotten car company wants to refresh their appearance on the market, thus re-design their identity with a nostalgia inspired approach, and bring them back on top.

3. "Client" needs or requirements: 

Dependant on the company I deem most appropriate to rebrand, there will be a specific client whom this work will have to attract and be suitable for. But the same with any rebrand, it needs take the brand forward, accurately visualising/communicating their core principles and key messages to their audience in the most efficient and bold way. 
I think it is a current trend of how most brands nowadays are refurbing themselves with this more modern, vectorised look - as it is considered more timeless and appropriate to a broader audience. I will definitely research and discuss this notion, with more specific regards to sectors of brands which this style is not usually applicable to - football teams, cars, etc.

4. Audience:
I will also have to carefully consider who I am designing for and what implications this will have for the project. With a rebrand it is the identity of the brand themselves which will need to act as a platform for the audience to communicate with and thus the product/service they are offering. Ofcourse the product will massively influence the approach with the audience it is aimed at, however as my focus is leaning towards pastiche/parody I may justify a completely different approach to the usual style - similar to Juventus' justified but peculiar rebrand.

5. Mandatory requirements:
At this stage it is still quite tentative, but I must start considering the mandatory requirements of the brief. For example, design and aesthetic must be consistent across the identity, similar to how the typefaces experimented with must be functional yet contemporary.

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