Monday 6 February 2017

Potential Areas of Focus

I began exploring different potential approaches I could take with COP this year and how this would develop into my body of practical work for the submission, aswell as leading into next years body of practise too. I was certain I wanted my topic to reflect current trends and growing cultures/sub-cultures in our society, but wasn't sure how I'd refine this to a specific research question at this point and with what focus:
Culture - Subcultures, music, popular culture, internet, pastiche/parody

Parody/Pastiche present in current work - in relation to certain cultures/sub-cultures 
How concepts get recycled over the years to develop something new from an old idea - is this accepted as parody or pastiche? Is it acceptable at all? Is this what our current post-modern mindset is all about - the over saturation of image leading to empty re-use and copy-catting? 
- Can link this to Supreme as a popular consumer culture, built on pastiche? their marketing strategies, aesthetics stolen from Barbara Kruger
- This can link to Skateboarding as a culture - how this has grown

Can develop these concepts into the realm of branding, can look at merchandise, editorial, etc - how things nowadays develop from what came before it / everything is eventually recycled.

Possible Essay Questions

- All GD work is influenced by what came before it. How can this be seen as either a parody or a pastiche?
- How have consumer cultures developed into what they are today - with regards to parody and pastiche - is everything eventually recycled?
- How has parody and pastiche had influence on identity and consumerism?
- Discuss the role of parody and pastiche within popular culture?
- Are contemporary design techniques parodic or merely pastiche?

- Is contemporary branding and design merely a pastiche or can it be parodic?

This question doesn't restrict me into a corner, it allows me to discuss, compare and contrast the theories of parody and pastiche by their theorists in detail - thus satisfying the academic focus and relevance of the essay. 
But then I am able to develop this onto our modern day and this post-modern mindset which has now developed alongside our culture of consuming, therefore this can be applied to all sorts of industry examples correlating with the academic points I make - Nostalgia in branding (stripped back rebrands for companies), nostalgia in film (la retro de moda), popular culture examples and how they incorporate many inspirations from past works (Stranger Things) - is this frowned upon or considered insightful? 

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