Monday 10 October 2016

COP2 Intro / First Lecture

COP 2 Intro

This years COP is...

First Lecture - The Flipped Classroom RM

Our first lecture introduced us to a mindset that can be reflective in society, but more specifically teaching techniques to help facilitate our work. The flipped classroom technique pushes aside traditional teaching methods, putting the student at the centre of learning..

Traditional Methods of Eduction     v.s     Flipped Classroom            
Teacher Centred                                     Student Centred
Didactic                                                  Explorative
Students instructed passively                   Students engage actively
Teachers assess/validate                         Peer Assessments
Surface Level learning                             Deeper semantic level
HMK                                                        CWK
Individual                                                Collective
Hierarchal                                               Non-Hierarchal

This is aimed to encourage us to work in this art-college styled collaborative practise to help develop our own practise and those around us. Richard went onto discuss a French Theorist called 'Jacques Ranciere' who published many ideas including the 'Ignorant School Master' but he is someone that I may choose to look into further based on my decision of which route to take with COP2 this year.

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