Saturday 23 April 2016

Idea Discussion

Idea Development

For my practical work I have decided I am going to produce a publication / lookbook which is inspired by the principles of Modernism of which I have discussed in my essay. This will involve looking back at those principles and how they were developed through the Bauhaus and other related sub-movements, but also by designers who came later like Massimo Vignelli.
The content however will include an introduction to how today's technology and process has developed one of my visual passions - Surrealist Collage; and it will feature examples of my favourite artists work and the meanings behind it all. The exceptional power of surrealism is manifested in the viewer’s instinctive emotional response to images that use the juxtaposition of the most unlikely symbols to convey the most relatable feelings. Surrealism can capture the essence of an inexplicable dream, an unidentifiable emotion, or whatever other indescribable by-product of the subconscious an inspired artist might encounter.

This I hope will leave me with a simplistic and clean publication representative of the principles within the COP project but also of my current practise interests!

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