Sunday 24 April 2016



I took the initial layout design to a crit session to get some pointers on how I can develop the lookbook. 

With the exception of the website link beneath the image on the right side of artist intro spread (which doesn't appear out of place) everything from page to page is aligned to the left hand side. Everything but the intro/contents page which appears crowded on the one side of the spread and also the main body text is only centralised, not justified. This does appear out of place, so it was suggested to me to trial the contents being on the other side of the spread to free up some room and enhance that negative space on each. The alignment for the contents being both left and right appears regular to the design but to keep the main body text consistent with the rest of the lookbook I had to align it to the left and also justify it to keep it in-tact with the grid length.
This appears much more consistent and unites the spread..

I had included links to the artists websites/portfolios but I had forgotten to include links to their instagrams to boost social media. This was something I could simply add in. I sampled it below the website link, but it appeared out of place, especially when the link over-flowed onto a new line. This meant I re-arranged the instagram link over to beneath the main artist intro paragraph, which appeared much more fitting.

The crit did pick up on the single use of 'Perfectly Amicable' as the typeface of the lookbook but it was clear that the scale of this type needed to be played with as it was to thick to be a body text typeface at a small scale. I needed to make use of a different typeface which could go smaller/thinner without losing readability, so as stated before I changed it to Helvetica Neue Thin. This keeps the consistent through form being the most popular sans-serif typeface and it also comes under as one of Vignelli's 7 go to typefaces. 
It was suggested that the type size of the header and footers need to be adjusted aswell due to the overall bulky feel it made the page have, but now that I had thinned out the body type it wasn't necessary as it just better communicates the content it is displaying.

Someone questioned my justifications for having both page numbers in the top left corner of the first page in the spread. I gave them my response as stated somewhere above which they accepted, but none the less I think I will still consider what it would look like if each of them where in either top corners of the pages within the spreads..

I think this version detracts too much away from the whole alignment of the publication so I will not be using it, I did trial them being in either far corner aswell so it remained aligned on the left side of the spread..

This does appear slightly better however I am still unsure about it being in that top right corner. It still takes away from the consistency of the alignment and ruins the enhancement of negative space on the first spreads right hand-side. I do not think this characteristic of the page layout confuses form following function both being on the left side, so for this visual justification I am going to leave it aligned to both of them on the left hand-side.

Finally,  it was pointed out to me that the type size of the 'SS16' & 'SURREALIST LOOKBOOK' did appear slightly too large featuring on every page, it was not necessary. As I have restricted myself to using 3 type sizes throughout the inner publication - 30px, 25px & 12px for body text, I have decided to finally scale this down from 30px (the same as the page numbers) down to 25px (the same as the intro page type) just to take some of the attention off it.

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